Discovery Russia - Best Russia Tours and Vacation Packages

Day 4, Valleys and Glaciers

Pyramiden imagePyramiden

Enjoy the speed along Tempelfjord coast and make a stop to take in a splendid view of 3 magnificent sites: Tempelfjord, Sassenfjord and Tunabreen. Snacks and warm drinks on the way. Across valleys and canyons, we come closer to the glacier Nordenskiøldbreen, a jewel of Svalbard, the most stunning and largest glacier. Driving along the Adolf Bay, we end our day in the ghost town of Pyramiden.

The ghost city imageThe ghost city

Guided walk around Pyramiden. The ambiance of this ghost settlement makes an unusual and strong impression on any experienced traveler. This community was founded by Sweden in the beginning of the 20th century and sold to the Soviet Union in 1927. One thing is certain; this was an Arctic out-post, but also an Arctic Paradise for those who lived and worked there in the Communist spirit. The town was a showcase to the West exhibiting to the world the excellence of communism. The atmosphere is still there! In the end of the nineties, Pyramiden was closed and has since then remained abandoned with all its infrastructure in place, ‘’conserved’’. All the buildings are in a good state and the settlement would seem inhabited, but the silence reigns over Pyramiden, no living soul is around…

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