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Founded in 1010, Yaroslavl is one of central Russia’s oldest cities in and site of the Volga’s first port. The Spassky Monastery houses the Transfiguration of the Savior then marvel at the impressive collection of the mosaics at the Church of Elijah the Prophet. Take part in a costumed reception at the governor’s house, before re-boarding the MS Volga Dream in time for lunch.


About Yaroslavl

The legend has it that the future Grand Prince of Kiev Yaroslav Vladimirovich was inspecting his lands back in 1010 and met an unknown pagan tribe in the place where the Volga River and its tributary the Kotorosl River flow into each other. The locals were hostile towards the prince and set a ferocious she-bear on him. Yet the prince had no fear and killed the beast with a pole-axe. The pagans submitted themselves to the prince’s control and he decided to found a city with a fortress on this site in order for freight boats to sail freely across the Volga River and trades and crafts to be developed here.

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