Discovery Russia - Best Russia Tours and Vacation Packages
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Recorrido por la Revolución Histórica

Desde:St. Petersburg
Temporada:Todo el año
Duración:7 days
Grado:Facil Tour apto para cualquier edad y nivel de forma física.
Tarifa:desde $1,100 USD per person

Partake in a historical tour dedicated to the October Revolution in Russia, which first led to a Civil War and then - to the emergence of USSR, the world's second superpower. In short, the Revolution in Russia shaped the world of the XXth century to the way we have all lived it. We shall also visit all the highlights of the city.

  • You visit arguably one of the most beautiful cities of Europe, UNESCO World Heritage site of historical St. Petersburg

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Fechas y tarifas

Fechas y tarifas

Recordatorio sobre la temporada de

Experiencia de viaje avanzado

Por favor, seleccione las opciones de viaje adicionales (para los usuarios registrados estas se añadirán a su lista de deseos.:

Before opening hours private visit to the Hermitage image

Before opening hours private visit to the Hermitage

Feel like a member of Imperial Family of that times. Only you - and the magnificent Hermitage...Private guidance around one of the world's most acclaimed museums, the the palace is a brilliant example of the synthesis of architecture and decorative plastic art. Rate is valid for a group of 2 people.

Coste extra, pp: $120 USD




  • Hoteles centricos seleccionados
  • 6 nights St. Petersburg


  • Desayuno completo diario


  • Recibimiento en cada localización
  • Traslados aeropuerto / estación de tren
  • Transporte en excursiones según el programa en un cómodo / coche / minivan / autobús
  • Full metro/public transport passes


  • St. Petersburg full day (8 hours) guided tour: the Winter Palace and the Hermitage, Isaac Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, the Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood
  • St. Petersburg day (6 hours) guided tour: Royal Palaces of Peterhof
  • St. Petersburg full-day (8 hours) guided tour: the Peter and Paul Fortress and Cathedral, a real warship named “Aurora”, Finlandsky railway station
  • Visita guiada del día Pushkin / Tsarskoe Selo (6 horas): el palacio de Catalina y la Sala de Ambar
  • St. Petersburg full-day (8 hours) guided tour: the Russian museum, Yusupov Palace

Entrance tickets & visas

  • Entradas a todas las atracciones enumeradas.
  • La carta de invitación a la visa rusa (requerida por el Ministerio de Turismo para otorgarle una visa rusa) es gratuita

We value your comfort

  • Discovery Russia 24/7 línea de apoyo de habla inglesa
  • Los mejores lugares para quedarse, comer, salir y divertirse - seguro con el operador turístico australiano
  • Group tour is fully escorted by Discovery Russia tour director and professional local guide
  • Tamaño del grupo máximo 20 personas. Todas las salidas de nuestro grupo están garantizadas.

    H Springer

    Fab holiday in Moscow and St Petersburg

    The 10 days spent in Moscow and St Petersburg were an enjoyable and enriching experience. We appreciate the relationship we had with Discovery Russia, the preparation our manager, Jenny, provided was excellent and the practical hints were great. We were grateful for the assistance and guidance with obtaining our visas, the suggestions about clothing, etc.
    Our hotel in St Petersburg was conveniently located in the city, we also were able to get to the subway to other parts of the city and just wandered around.It provided an opportunity to just “be” in the city, in Russia. We visited all the city highlights and had our entrance tickets organized in advance which saved lots of valuable time.
    Everything about Moscow, the hotel (as a courtesy from Discovery Russia, we've been upgraded to 5* hotel free of charge and that had come a pleasant surprise), the guided tour was great and the city was stunning with its winter Christmas decoration. We visited The Bolshoi ballet and that was brilliant. When our guided tour ended, the guide, Tanya, helped us negotiate the theatre complex because we would not have known where to go to pick up the tickets which we bought online at home. Not sure how we would have managed without her!
    Our guides were very knowledgeable and friendly and very keen to tell us everything they knew. Overall, Russia was great, we would go again. More review here

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