Discovery Russia - Best Russia Tours and Vacation Packages
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Durante el recorrido, verá el brillante complejo arquitectónico del Suzdal Kremlin y su gema, la hermosa Cámara de Cristo, que explorará el conjunto del Monasterio de San Eutimio. Y, por supuesto, probaremos "medovukha", el famoso refresco ruso a base de miel. Suzdal produce el mejor!


Se dice que Suzdal es el reflejo del alma rusa. Es una de las ciudades antiguas rusas pequeñas más bellas.


También visitamos el famoso Museo de Arquitectura de Madera. Aquí puedes ver la antigua Rusia y aprender sobre el estilo de vida rural tradicional. Continuar hasta la ciudad de Kostroma (190 km).

The Museum of Flax and Birch Bark, Kostroma imageThe Museum of Flax and Birch Bark, Kostroma

Time permitting we shall also visit a very unusual the Museum of Flax and Birch Bark (time permitting) which holds a unique collection of Russian fairy-tales in birch bark. You will learn about this unique Russian national product and get some truly Russian souvenirs!

Overnight at the hotel in Kostroma.

Kostroma Wooden Architecture open air museum imageKostroma Wooden Architecture open air museum

We visit the famous Museum of Wooden Architecture in Kostroma. Here in Kosrtoma region, many wooden buildings of different times survived. The decision to create a museum was caused by Gorky hydroelectric station & dam construction on the Volga. Due to the construction works, several villages were threatened with flooding. In order to identify the most valuable architectural monuments and save them from the advancing water, the Soviet Academy of Science sent as few expeditions in the 50s of the last century. As a result, many wooden structures were transported to Kostroma Sloboda in Kostroma - masterpieces of Russian architecture.

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