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Baikal State Nature Reserve

Eco-path imageEco-path

Today you will explore Baikal State Nature Reserve. More than 240 species of birds and about 50 species of mammals live here, many of which are listed in the Red Book. In the reserve, we will find a unique route - a 2,6 km long wooden-paved path, which goes through a cedar forest and a real raised bog. Information stands and benches are located along the entire path. This trail offers a breathtaking view of the spurs of the Khamar-Daban ridge.

Visit-center of Baikal Biosphere Reserve imageVisit-center of Baikal Biosphere Reserve

At the end of the walk through the reserve you will visit the interactive visit-center of Baikal Biosphere Reserve. Here you will learn more about Lake Baikal in entertaining way and complete a quest to find out what kind of tourist you are.

Baikal Ferry Crossing museum imageBaikal Ferry Crossing museum

You will also visit Stupa of the Victory filled with various relics. Buddhist stupas are structures that, in their perfect form, symbolize the enlightened mind of the Buddha. They are erected in order to bring happiness to all beings. The stupa prolongs life, grants desires, has a beneficial effect on the surrounding space and leads to the liberation and enlightenment of everyone who sees it, touches it, thinks about it and cares for it.

At the end of the day a boat will return you to Listvyanka village for overnight stay

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