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Ulan-Ude, Ivolginsky Datsan & Old Believers

Ulan-Ude imageUlan-Ude

Day Schedule

➤ Breakfast & check out

➤ Transfer to Ulan-Ude

➤ Ulan-Ude Tour

➤ Check in & time at leisure

Lenin's head monument imageLenin's head monument

After breakfast, we will depart for Ulan-Ude - capital of Buryatiya. Ulan-Ude has a unique historical and cultural heritage. With more than 200 cultural heritage sites in the city (monuments of architecture and art) It is included in the list of Historical cities of Russia.

The main sight of Ulan-Ude town is, in fact, Lenin's head monument. Every tourist who is interested in unusual monuments and amazing architecture should see this 7,7 meters-high bronze head of Vladimir Lenin. This monument is the largest head sculpture in the world.

Ivolginsky Datsan imageIvolginsky Datsan

Unique samples of old Buryat art, as thangkas, sculptures, ritual objects are gathered and preserved at the Ivolginsky datsan. Among the monastery's treasures, there is a collection of old Buddhist manuscripts written in the Tibetan language on natural silk, and a greenhouse with a sacred Bodhi tree.

Flags of Ivolginsky Datsan imageFlags of Ivolginsky Datsan

As a cultural and religious monument, the Datsan is protected by the State. The Datsan Centre consists of such temples as Sockshin-Dugan, Maidrin-sume, Devazhin, and Sakhiusan-sume. There are also a library, a hotel, the Choyra (Faculty of Philosophy), Dashi Choinhorlin (building of the Buddhist University), Museum of Buryat Art, suburgans (stupas), some infrastructure buildings and lamas' houses.

Within the Datsan complex is the Korean style wooden Etigel Khambin temple which honors the 12th Khambo Lama whose body was recently exhumed.

Old Believers village imageOld Believers village

Then we move to the Old Believers - Orthodox Christians, who maintain traditional religious way of life and follow very old religious rules. They separated from the official Russian Orthodox Church as a protest against church reforms introduced between 1652 and 1666. Saving their lives, Old Believers had to run away to Siberia and the Far East. Many had to leave the country.

Another name of these people — Semeyskie or Family People — was given because they moved to Siberia with their big families. These special people keep the traditions of their ancestors, many do not recognize modern technologies, medicine and internet.

In the evening transfer back to your hotel in the downtown.

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