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Tour Seydozero & caza de la aurora boreal

Deer feeding imageDeer feeding

Day Schedule

➤ Breakfast

➤ Visit husky park & Saami village

➤ Park tour and husky dog sleigh ride

➤ Saami village tour & Saami lunch

➤ Deer feeding & sleigh ride

➤ Return to the lodge

Chum imageChum

After breakfast we will explore Saami life: visit Saami village. Get to know about traditional Saami way of life and wildlife of the area. Lunch serving traditional Saami meals today in the largest in Russia "chum" and taste traditional local meals. Chum's height is 8 meters, and the diameter of the base is more than 12 meters! It was manually constructed by Saami technique, according to all the ancient rules. Those who find themselves inside will see that there are vents, a hearth and much more.

In the plague, a local guide will tell you about Arctic life, indigenous tribes of the Kola Peninsula and their customs and beliefs. There is also a shooting range where you can shoot from the bow, a real soaring sade, a bath with rejuvenating vat, and traditional Sami dwellings.

Husky sleigh ride imageHusky sleigh ride

Visit husky park, where you will get acquainted with the breed of these sled dogs, learn about their breeding, communicate, play and make pictures with Husky. Ride a sledge through magnificent winter landscape. After day's nap, we will also experience reindeer sleigh ride across the frozen lake and visit remote islands with the best views of Khibiny mountains to make stunning photos.

Northern Lights Hunt imageNorthern Lights Hunt

Tonight, the Northern Lights hunt time. Area and landscapes are totally different here in comparison to Murmansk area.

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