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Karelian country side

Pegrema imagePegrema

Karelia Tour Schedule

➤Transfer to Kedozero

➤ Briefing and equipment check

➤70 km by snowmobiles through neat local villages

➤Sightseeing and warm up stops en route

➤Hot lunch

➤Overnight in a guest house in a village

Snow life imageSnow life

Transfer to Kedorero village (90 km) where our snowmobiling starts. Our pro staff will select your personal equipment (the full set is provided: a snow jumpsuit, a helmet, a cap comforter, special footwear, gloves). Briefing and safety instruction. Today the snowride distance is 70 km via village Pegrema, Unitskaya Guba, Lake Onega, Yuzhny Dvor village, Lipovitsy. En route, we will stop in Pegrema to visit the Chapel of St. Varlaam of Khutyn. The chapel is a unique monument of wooden architecture of the 17th century, very few of that kind are still preserved.

Lunch en route: hot chicken broth, hot tea, sandwiches, sweets. In the afternoon, make a photo stop at the old Karelian village, Vegoruks. Here we will climb to the church bell tower to make stunning photos of beautiful Zaonezhye (translates as "land beoynd Onega Lake"). Finally, we reach Ersenyevo village and acoommodate in a guest house in a comfy rooms/cottage. Dinner in included. Russian Banya in the evening.

Zaonezhye imageZaonezhye

Yuzhny Dvor (Vegoruksa) is one of the oldest villages in Zaonezhye. In the 15th century, it belonged to the rich Novgorod boyar F. Glukhov. The village was an important point on the ancient route from Novgorod to the White Sea. From Shui, ships sailed along Lake Onega to Vegoruksa, and then overland to the Great Bay and further North.The local church was not only a religious building, but also a kind of lighthouse for ships. The current St. Nicholas Church dates back to VII-XVIII centuries, replacing earlier buildings.

Its small chapter and extensive refectory are typical to Zaonezhye architecture. However, nowhere here you will find such an impressive powerful belfry. It dominates the church, and it is thanks to it that the church acquired the significance of a lighthouse. The interior of the church is striking with brilliance, splendor, decorative workload. The carved iconostasis and the royal gate sparkle with gilding. There are many icons on the walls, the ceiling is decorated with painting and blends flowlessly with simple wooden walls.

Several ancient icons of the XIV-XV centuries were found in the premises of the St. Nicholas Church. They were not located in a large iconostasis, but on the wall of the refectory. Probably, these icons remained from earlier churches here, and they were transferred to a new building. Arrive Livotitsy for dinner and overnight stay in a cozy guest house. Banya on request

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