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Vorgozory and Princess Cloudberries

Vorzogory imageVorzogory

The village consists of two villages: Kondratyevskaya and Yakovlevskaya. There will barely be 100 people on both: one half are local pensioners who live here constantly, the other are seasonal "summer residents" who built their modern cottages away from the worldly bustle. And there were times when more than 1000 permanent residents lived in the village, 180 yards. They grew tobacco, cooked braga, made cannabis nets. There were their own windmills, barns, forges.

Vorzogory imageVorzogory

In XVIII-XIX centuries, wooden "tee" was built here: one of 10 that have survived to this day. The Vorzogorsky "tee" is a complex from the St. Nicholas Church (1636), the Vvedensky Church (1793) and the bell tower of the 18th century. The uniqueness of this wooden complex is that it is the only one of the surviving ones that were located directly on the seashore. In the past, similar ensembles on the seashore were found quite often, but today everything except Vorzogorsky has been completely lost. Get acquainted with the Pomoryan culture, find out who the Pomors are, their way of life. Visit the tiny local museum. Walk along the White Sea, breathe sea air. You will see a unique monument of wooden architecture - Vorzogorsky "tee," you will rise to the bell tower, from which there is a magnificent view of the sea and Kiy - the island. Tasty lunch with pies from the oven awaits after the tour.

Vorzogory imageVorzogory

We will walk around the village, see how they live in a real Russian village, and also very far from large cities and any kind of urbanization. Behind the village there is also a good lake, and beautiful Arkhangelsk forests. There is very little people, silence and peace around. On the seashore you can spend an hour, and two and not meet anyone. Return to our hotel. Time to explore tiny Onega town a and visit faily tale charakter Princess Cloudberries at her lovely home. Optional fishing at Onega river. Russian banya and farewell dinner in the evening.

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