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Irkutsk imageIrkutsk

Traslado a Irkutsk después del desayuno. Esta ciudad fue fundada a mediados del siglo XVII. La ciudad es famosa por sus casas de madera y sus encajes perfectamente conservados. De hecho, el centro histórico de Irkutsk es un gran museo al aire libre. Irkutsk se encuentra a orillas del poderoso río Angara y una vez se usó como lugar de exilio para los hombres nobles revolucionarios de San Petersburgo y Moscú, por su participación en disturbios o desobediencia civil. La llegada más grande en la historia de Irkutsk ocurrió después de los famosos disturbios de diciembre contra el zar en diciembre de 1825, donde algunos de los rebeldes de alto perfil terminaron viajando a Siberia con esposas y familias. Decembriest tuvo como objetivo eliminar la monarquía en Rusia.

Taltsy imageTaltsy

Check out and transfer to the open-air Siberian culture museum Taltsy. The exposition features wooden buildings brought from all over Siberia. The museum looks like an ancient village with long streets, wooden houses, water mills, and even a small school. We will learn about life in Siberia and have Russian lunch with special Tea & Honey degustation and a national folk performance, an experience not to be missed. Time for pre-train shopping before boarding your next train to Yekaterinburg.

Irkutsk imageIrkutsk

Continue to Irkutsk. This city was founded in the middle of the XVII century. The town is famous for its wooden houses and wooden lace perfectly preserved. In fact, the Irkutsk historic center is one huge open air museum! Irkutsk is located on the banks of the mighty Angara river and was once used as a place of exile for revolutionary noble men from St. Petersburg and Moscow, for their participation in riots or civil disobedience. The biggest in Irkutsk’s history new arrival happened after the famous Decemberists riot against the tsar in December 1825 where some of high-profile rebels ended up travelling to Siberia with wives and families. Decembrists aimed to eliminate the monarchy in Russia.

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