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Yaroslavl imageYaroslavl

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tourYaroslavl city tour

➤Visita la residencia de Maslenitsa

➤ Traslado a Rostov el Grande

➤ Rostov el Grande city tour: el Kremlin de Rostov

➤ Master Class en artesanía nacional

➤ Traslado a Suzdal

➤ Pernocte en Suzdal

Yaroslavl imageYaroslavl

La leyenda dice que el futuro Gran Príncipe de Kiev, Yaroslav Vladimirovich, en ese momento el Príncipe de Rostov el Grande, estaba inspeccionando sus tierras en 1010 y se encontró con una tribu pagana desconocida en el lugar donde el río Volga y su afluente el río Kotorosl fluyen entre sí. Los lugareños se mostraron hostiles hacia el príncipe y pusieron una feroz influencia sobre él. Sin embargo, el príncipe no tenía miedo y mató a la bestia con un hacha. Los paganos se sometieron al control del príncipe y decidió fundar una ciudad con una fortaleza en este sitio para que los barcos de carga naveguen libremente a través del río Volga y se desarrollen los oficios y artesanías aquí.

Yaroslavl fue la primera ciudad cristiana en el río Volga. Aparentemente, hay muchas catedrales e iglesias decentes para visitar, sin embargo, creemos que es mejor saltearlas y visitar la Residencia de Maslenitsa. ¿Qué es, o quién es Maslenitsa? ¡Regístrese en nuestro tour para averiguarlo!

Rostov the Great imageRostov the Great

Rostov the Great

We continue to explore the Golden Ring of Russia with a visit to Rostov the Great, one of the most ancient Russian cities. It was first mentioned in chronicles in 862, and the word ‘the Great' was added to the official name of the city much later, in the 12th century. We visit outstanding Rostov Kremlin, which is probably not that old by Russian standards - it dates back to 17th century only - but is a truly magnificent fairy-tale town. Its domes, covered with silvery wooden tiles, bunches of green and silver cupolas of the five-domed churches, long narrow red tent-roofs and numerous chimneys seem to float over the ground. Green four-sloped roofs with golden flags are seen above them. Tracery crosses with pendent chains beam over the churches.

Rostov finift imageRostov finift

Enamel in Russia has been known since the end of the 10th – beginning of the 11th centuries thanks to relations with the Byzantine Empire. As an individual type of art, finift came to Russia from France. To be more precise, it came from Limoges, where in the middle of the 17th century a pictorial enamel miniature appeared.

Thus, finift is the oldest decorative and artistic craft of Russia, one of the most interesting and vivid types of miniature painting. The exclusive nature of enamel miniatures is due to the artist's high artistic skill and extreme difficulty of production.

We shall visit great local museum, one-of-a-kind place to get acquainted with this unique Russian art. For centuries, the most outstanding artists and jewelers of these land have kept secrets of the technology. The master class will allow you to create your own enamel miniatures.

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