Best bear viewing in Russia. World's second largest valley of geysers. Fantastic volcano landscapes.
Best bear viewing in Russia. World's second largest valley of geysers. Fantastic volcano landscapes.
Kamchatka FácilType:Privado
Temporada:July - September
Duración:8 days
Grado:Facil Tour apto para cualquier edad y nivel de forma física.
$2,540 USD
per person
Pacific Ocean
Mutnovsky volcano
Datchnye Hot Springs
Russian Bay
Kamchatka, an amazing corner of a huge country. Rare animals, unique vegetation, power of the Pacific Ocean, grandness of volcanoes, active or extinct, hot springs and unspoiled nature. There are no words to convey the severe and unusual beauty of this northern land. Come and see with your own eyes, join our small group English-speaking tour to Kamchatka summer 2021. Two heli tours are already included.
Lo mejor de Kamchatka: Al borde del mundoType:Privado
Temporada:July - October
Duración:8 days
Grado:Facil Tour apto para cualquier edad y nivel de forma física.
$4,140 USD
per person
Kurile Lake
Pacific Ocean
Valley of Geysers - Nalychevo National Park
Vachkazhets - Mutnovsky volcano
Barefooted luxury and the exotic remote Russian Far East are finally blended into a one-of-a-kind experience: The luxury Kamchatka Tour. During a week you will see volcanoes, geysers, famous Russian bears, unique landscapes and encounter indigenous cultures. Accommodation in a premium country resort with excellent service, thermal hot springs and delicious fresh seafood. Get ready for a true adventure, while we take care of every detail of your trip.
Highlights of Kamchatka: At The World's Edge_COPYType:Privado
Temporada:July - October
Duración:7 days
Grado:Facil Tour apto para cualquier edad y nivel de forma física.
$3,710 USD
per person
Pacific Ocean
Bear River
Gorely Volcano
Vachkazhets - Mutnovsky volcano
Mini-valley of Geysers
Welcome to Kamchatka, the end of the world, where hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of untouched nature are, there stormy geysers throw out the unsettled energy of the Earth, there lava pours out fire-breathing volcanoes, the mighty Pacific Ocean noises and hundreds of bears walk freely. Trek, jeep ride, bath in hot springs, hike, cruise and fly around magnificent Kamchatka. Both heli tours by famous MI-8 are already included.
Delicias KamchatkaType:Privado
Temporada:July - September
Duración:7 days
Grado:Facil Tour apto para cualquier edad y nivel de forma física.
$3,060 USD
per person
Valley of Geysers or Kurile Lake by heli
Mutnovsky volcano
Russian Bay
Kamchatka is so beautiful that it seems an unattainable dream. Is it possible to climb to the top of an active volcano and see the ocean? That turquoise Pacific and black sand? Raft along one of hundred thousand rivers? Bath in a hot rivers and sail the largest bay in the world? Yes, and there is more.
Kamchatka de un VistazoType:Privado
Temporada:July - October
Duración:6 days
Grado:Facil Tour apto para cualquier edad y nivel de forma física.
$2,480 USD
per person
Valley of Geysers or Kurile Lake by heli
Mutnovsky volcano
Russian Bay
Kamchatka is so beautiful that it seems an unattainable dream. Is it possible to climb to the top of an active volcano and see the ocean? That turquoise Pacific and black sand? Raft along one of hundred thousand rivers? Bath in a hot rivers and sail the largest bay in the world? Yes, and there is more.
Kamchatka Aventuras de InviernoType:Privado
Temporada:December - April
Duración:8 days
Grado:Facil Tour apto para cualquier edad y nivel de forma física.
$5,250 USD
per person
Vilyuchinsky volcano
Pacific Ocean
Paratunka River
Vachkazhets - Mutnovsky volcano
Welcome to Kamchatka, the end of the world, where hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of untouched nature are, there stormy geysers throw out the unsettled energy of the Earth, there lava pours out fire-breathing volcanoes and the mighty Pacific Ocean noises ! Welcome to Kamchatka where hundres of bears walk freely. Trek, jeep ride, bath in hot springs, hike, cruise and fly around magnificent Kamchatka. Both heli tours by famous MI-8 are already included.
Highlights of Kamchatka: At The World's Edge_COPYType:Privado
Temporada:July - September
Duración:13 days
Grado:Facil Tour apto para cualquier edad y nivel de forma física.
$7,380 USD
per person
Kurile Lake
Pacific Ocean
Valley of Geysers - Nalychevo National Park
Welcome to Kamchatka, the end of the world, where hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of untouched nature are, there stormy geysers throw out the unsettled energy of the Earth, there lava pours out fire-breathing volcanoes, the mighty Pacific Ocean noises and hundreds of bears walk freely. Trek, jeep ride, bath in hot springs, hike, cruise and fly around magnificent Kamchatka. Both heli tours by famous MI-8 are already included.
Kamchatka de LujoType:Privado
Temporada:July - September
Duración:7 days
Grado:Facil Tour apto para cualquier edad y nivel de forma física.
$7,650 USD
per person
Kurile Lake
Pacific Ocean
Valley of Geysers or Kurile Lake by heli
Vachkazhets - Mutnovsky volcano
Barefooted luxury and the exotic remote Russian Far East are finally blended into a one-of-a-kind experience: The luxury Kamchatka Tour. During a week you will see volcanoes, geysers, famous Russian bears, unique landscapes and encounter indigenous cultures. Accommodation in a premium country resort with excellent service, thermal hot springs and delicious fresh seafood. Get ready for a true adventure, while we take care of every detail of your trip.
Kamchatka Free Ride_COPYType:Privado
Temporada:March - May
Duración:8 days
Grado:Difficult Serious off piste experience is highly recommended. Every participant signs compulsory Letter of Indemnity. Comprehensive ski insurance with heli evacuation is a must.
$6,350 USD
per person
Destinos:Kamchatka mountains
In Kamchatka you can ski on a real, active volcano with guaranteed snow coverage! With an off-piste skiing area the size of Switzerland, over 15 000 sq kilometers, picturesque fjords of the ocean coast line, glaciers at volcano tops and energizing hot springs, Kamchatka is a destination like no other.
The experience will be incomparable, and the freedom is yours to discover pristine slopes covered with fresh snow, while you ski down the valley from a volcano top. And there are no lines or waiting time when we use a famous MI-8 helicopter!
Sakhalin Gourmet DeluxeType:Privado
Temporada:Todo el año
Duración:9 days
Grado:Moderado Considere caminar un poco (aproximadamente 2 horas por día).
$11,760 USD
per person
Russia's largest island, Sakhalin, is a place you have never heard of. Shrouded in secrecy, it is a gateway
of outstanding unspoiled natural beauty. With myriad activities available for outdoor enthusiasts, you can go hiking and trekking, camping, diving, river rafting, island hopping, and bird watching. Luxury travelers can enjoy helicopter trips around the island and gourmet seafood. Take that step into venturing into the unfamiliar, and be one of the few who dare to visit Sakhalin Island.
Lago Kurile es una de las marcas registradas de Kamchatka. Durante años, ese fue el destino de excursiones de un día, y ahora puede hospedarse en un acogedor hotel ecológico en las orillas del lago y disfrutar viendo los osos, vea saltar al salmón rosado y camine para ver la anidación del águila de mar. Las excursiones clásicas en helicóptero a volcanes y géiseres, excursiones en barco y la famosa pesca de Kamchatka también forman parte del viaje.
Anillo Tolbachik de las montañas y volcanes Kluchevsky, paisajes lunares, campos de lava, tundra montañosa con flores y bayas, glaciares, ríos y cañones de montaña, aguas termales y el Pacífico.
¡En Kamchatka puedes esquiar en un volcán activo real con cobertura de nieve garantizada! Con un área de esquí fuera de pista del tamaño de Suiza, más de 15 000 kilómetros cuadrados, pintorescos fiordos de la costa oceánica, glaciares en las cimas de los volcanes y aguas termales energizantes, Kamchatka es un destino sin igual. La experiencia será incomparable, y la libertad es tuya para descubrir prístinas pendientes cubiertas de nieve fresca, mientras esquías por el valle desde la cima de un volcán. ¡Y no hay líneas ni tiempo de espera cuando usamos un famoso helicóptero MI-8!
Tome un tour en helicóptero sobre los volcanes Karymsky y Malyl Semyachik (tiempo de vuelo h 10 minutos). El volcán Karymsky, a 1487 m sobre el nivel del mar, es uno de los gigantes más activos de la península: ¡la actividad eruptiva de un volcán ha durado ya 20 años! El volcán Maly Semyachik es aún más alto, 1520 m, es extraordinariamente hermoso gracias al lago ácido en el cráter. Llegada al lago Kronotsky, el corazón de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Kronotsky y un lugar para tomar fotos icónicas.
Sin lugar a dudas, el volcán y el lago Kronotsky es el lugar más asombroso de Kamchatka, el lago Kronotsky. Aquí, la superficie lisa del lago refleja perfectamente uno de los volcanes más bellos de la península: el Volcán Kronotsky. El lago Kronotsky es el mayor reservorio de agua dulce de Kamchatka. Vamos a caminar, tomar un paseo en barco y tener un brunch de picnic.
El Valle de los Géiseres es el hito emblemático de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Kronotsky y de todo Kamchatka con un ecosistema único. Usted será sorprendido por la erupción de géiseres, actividades de campos térmicos y cobres de barro.
La mejor opción para observar a los osos en Rusia
Segundo valle más grande del mundo de géiseres
Paisajes fantasticos
Caviar fresco del océano